Information to get users started in the Networking section

Welcome to the Local Food Systems Networking section!

The Networking section contains the social networking tools to help site users communicate and identify shared interests. The Networking section exists to help fledgling or expanding businesses and their supporters, particularly those in relatively close proximity, connect with each other to mutual benefit. Here you will find opportunities to connect with other individuals who are interested in starting new businesses, supporting existing businesses, and discussing ideas about local foods. The Networking section is focused on three main types of content:

Collaborative Business Networks (CBN) are designed for Local Food Systems users to collaborate, focus on, and achieve a specific, well defined goal. Primarily CBNs are used to develop business ecosystems, a collaborative network of entrepreneurs, existing businesses, business supporters, and customers that seek to create new or expand existing supply chains. However, CBNs have also be used for tasks such as developing inter-collegiate programs and as a vehicle for new community groups to organize around a shared vision. CBNs give site users a set of tools (posts, private messages, events, to do items, and folders) that allow them to organize and assign tasks, set deadlines, disseminate information, and share important files. CBNs can be either Public (available for everyone on the Local Food Systems website to see) or Private (view-able only by the members of the group).

Create A Collaborative Business Network

Common Interest Groups (CIG) allow you to discuss topics of interest with other Local Food Systems users. Less focused than Collaborative Business Networks, CIGs are designed to act as repositories of knowledge, to stimulate thought, and introduce people to new topics with which they are not familiar. Users with knowledge in topic areas are encouraged to share their experiences, post links to relevant articles, and answer questions from the Local Food Systems community. Tools available to CIGs include posts, events, and folders. These tools allow site users to disseminate information and share important files to other users that share their interests. CIGs can be either Public (available for everyone on the Local Food Systems website to see) or Private (view-able only by the members of the group).

Create A Common Interest Group

Forum Topics are for free flowing discussion on any topic relevant to Local Food Systems. You can start your own topic thread, or comment on an existing topic. All forum posts are public and view-able by all Local Food Systems users.

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Collaborative Business NetworksCreate A Collaborative Business Network

CBN Dashboard

Group Name Description Last Updated Creator Subscription
Director of Market Development

Founded in 1972, BFG Supply has a long history of serving the Green Industry including professional growers, lawn & garden centers, landscapers

2 years 7 months jfarinacci@bfgs... Request group membership
Buckeye ISA

With support from a WKKF grant, Ohio State University is supporting the formation of a network of small scale producers who produce, aggregate and

5 years 9 months Casey Hoy Request group membership
Resilient Health Network, Inc.

We promote, enrich, and sustain resilient human, community, and environmental health by developing synergistic/cooperative linkages among programs,

5 years 10 months Brett Joseph Request group membership
Small Business Management

A general study of the field of small business focusing on policies,
strategies, organization, operation, and problems associated with

6 years 10 months webadmin Request group membership
Ohio Livestock Product Processors

This portfolio contains an extensive list of licensed meat and dairy processors in Ohio, specifically those from the Northeast region.

6 years 10 months Brian Gwin Request group membership
Group Name Description Last Updated Creator Subscription
Aquaculture Network

Currently contains information on businesses from a list of fish propagators provided by ODNR.

Should fish processors be included?

10 years 1 month Brian Gwin Request group membership
Baer Farms Dairy Products

Provide Local Dairy products for 




11 years 1 month cbaer Request group membership
Food Processing Technologies Center

Develop a center / pilot / demo facility for Ohio food processing industry partners.

10 years 1 month Brian Gwin Request group membership
Mellinger Farm Land Management and Operations

Draft a land management plan that will include strategies for rental contracts and management and programs. 

10 years 11 months Casey Hoy Request group membership
Midwest Food Innovation Network

To enhance collaboration among Commercial Kitchens, Kitchen Incubators and Food Hubs in Northeast Ohio.

10 years 10 months Brian Gwin Test Request group membership
Common Interest GroupsCreate A Common Interest Group

CIG Dashboard

Group Name Description Last Updated Creator Subscription
OSASN, Ohio Sustainable Agriculture Students Network

Ohio colleges and universities are currently collaborating on a statewide network of sustainable agriculture education programs.

5 years 9 months Casey Hoy Subscribe to group
Stinner Summit IV Project

The project chosen at the 2010 Stinner Summit was titled the Polyfarming Project.

5 years 10 months Casey Hoy Subscribe to group
Stinner Summit V Project - Youngstown Eats

The Youngstown Eats project focuses on providing healthy meals, locally sourced and ready to eat, to youth in Youngstown who have poor access to go

5 years 10 months Casey Hoy Subscribe to group
Marketing and Education, relative to any foods

Out of many possibilities, the proposed area of focus is to adopt and join the national Buy Fresh, Buy Local program for Ohio.

5 years 10 months Sylvia Zimmerman Subscribe to group
Western PA Shared Commercial Kitchen/Value-Added Processing Network

This network developed out of the 2011 Shared Commercial Kitchen Roundtable hosted by the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture, in

5 years 10 months smith_leah Subscribe to group
Public - accessible to all site users
Group Name Description Last Updated Creator Subscription
Advance Cuyahoga County Agriculture

Working group to develop business cases within the Agriculture and Biosciences Cluster for Cuyahoga County

5 years 10 months Morgan Taggart Subscribe to group
Advance Lorain County Agriculture

Working group to develop business cases within the Agriculture and Biosciences Cluster for

5 years 10 months Brad Masi Subscribe to group
Advance Mahoning County Agriculture

Working group to develop business cases within the Agriculture and Biosciences Cluster for Mahoning County

5 years 10 months Elsa Higby Subscribe to group
Advance NorthEast Ohio Partners

This group is focused on building the Northeast Ohio local and regional economy based on local and regional food systems, renewable energy, distrib

5 years 10 months Casey Hoy Subscribe to group
Advance Stark County Agriculture

Working group to develop business cases within the Agriculture and Biosciences Cluster for Stark County

5 years 10 months Michelle Spain Subscribe to group

Forums Dashboard

Topic Replies Last postsort ascending Forum
Normal topic Corn - Leading Grain Crop
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:32
4 by webadmin
Fri, 2016-12-02 15:38
General discussion
Normal topic Lake Erie Algae Bloom
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:09
3 by Mark Mittiga
Wed, 2016-11-30 13:20
General discussion
Normal topic What age would you retire?
by Brian Gwin on Thu, 2016-09-08 13:50
2 by Brian Gwin
Thu, 2016-09-08 13:52
General discussion
Post Post Message Posted In
Yes this is a major problem.
by webadmin on Fri, 2016-12-02 15:38

Yes this is a major problem.  I wonder what they will come up with to fight it?  Wind fences maybe?

Corn - Leading Grain Crop
The breeding of the corn
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:43

The breeding of the corn stalks are also posing to be a problem. When the seeds are planted and then being treated with chemicals it is making them grow too quick and as a result causing the stalks to break when growing too quick. 

Corn - Leading Grain Crop
The engineers are finding
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:40

The engineers are finding that the corn stalks are simply beign destroyed way too often due to wind. They are currently looking into the issue of wind damaging teh stalks. 

Corn - Leading Grain Crop
Wind-induced corn stalk
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:34

Wind-induced corn stalk failure has recently hindered the process of moving forward in regard to corn production. Engineers are taking on this problem to see where the issues lay.

Corn - Leading Grain Crop
Not only are the weather
by Mark Mittiga on Wed, 2016-11-30 13:20

Not only are the weather patterns affecting the algae growth in the lake, but the new laws and regulations are also cutting down on the amount of growth that is appearing in the lake. Farmers are being required to use chemicals that are not harmful to the water. 

Lake Erie Algae Bloom