Welcome to the Ag Success group within the Local Food Systems web site! We hope you take time to frequently check for postings, updates, etc. within this group. While traffic may be slow initially, we are sure it will grow with exposure and increased members.
The Paul C and Edna Warner Endowment Fund for Sustainable Agriculture Grant RFP is available. See Attachment.
I am aware that this grant will likely be posted by Megan Shoenflet in the entire LFS website, however I wanted to demo to the AST members how easy it is to use the site and keep a document within the group if necessary.
The date for the next Ag Success meeting is below.I apologize to those who have conflicts with this date and time, but it was chosen due to the convenience of the majority.Please note that the location has changed for this meeting.
US Sec. of Ag. Tom Vilsack just announced in Copehagen that the US Dairy industry is commiting to 25% reduction on greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. A major component of this initative will focus on capture and distruction of methane produced by dairy cattle. Vilsack indicates that various programs will be coming together to support the development of systems such as anaerobic digesters. See the Copehagen attachement for the full press release.
You can find more information relating to today's Vilsack on the Innovation Center for US Dairy website at http://www.usdairy.com/sustainability/Pages/Home.aspx . Also attached is a composition document describing the various sustainability initatives being promoted by the center.
Tomorrow is the deadline for registration for ATI's Taste of Training event. If yoou know of an agribusiness or farm that might benefit from this experience, please forward the following link to them.