Collaborative Business Networks
Network Name | Description | Last Updated | Creator | Subscription |
Aquaculture Network |
Currently contains information on businesses from a list of fish propagators provided by ODNR. Should fish processors be included? What about other types of fish producers? |
9 years 8 months | Brian Gwin | Request group membership |
Baer Farms Dairy Products |
Provide Local Dairy products for sustainable natural
10 years 8 months | cbaer | Request group membership |
Buckeye ISA |
With support from a WKKF grant, Ohio State University is supporting the formation of a network of small scale producers who produce, aggregate and sell food items to the University. Participants, representing households with young children in the home, are being recruited from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Central and SE Ohio and particularly communities of color. The grant is supporting training and assistance with production, aggregation, delivery and business aspects of initiating the producer network. |
5 years 4 months | Casey Hoy | Request group membership |
Corn Crop Destruction |
To reduce and eventually eliminate the destruction of corn stalks due to wind destruction. Chemicals used to grow corn quicker are causing crops to grow quickly and are not given enough time to develop properly. |
7 years 9 months | Mark Mittiga | Request group membership |
Director of Market Development |
Founded in 1972, BFG Supply has a long history of serving the Green Industry including professional growers, lawn & garden centers, landscapers, and indoor growing stores. As an established industry leader, BFG provides the highest levels of customer service, the broadest product range, and innovative technology solutions. BFG is a true single source supplier for all of your Green Industry needs from watering tools and control solutions to multi-acre fully integrated professional greenhouse structures. In a world full of change you can take comfort in knowing that BFG Supply is focused on caring for your business needs. We look forward to providing the best customer service in the industry and supporting the growth of our customers. Highlights: • In business for 50+ years with Industry leading customer service |
2 years 2 months | jfarinacci@bfgs... | Request group membership |
Food as Economic Development |
Build economies using food and ag. |
7 years 11 months | admintest | Request group membership |
Food Processing Technologies Center |
Develop a center / pilot / demo facility for Ohio food processing industry partners. |
9 years 8 months | Brian Gwin | Request group membership |
Mellinger Farm Land Management and Operations |
Draft a land management plan that will include strategies for rental contracts and management and programs. Agroecosystems Management Program - Website Mellinger Farm - Auditor Tax Card, Auditor Map, Google Map |
10 years 6 months | Casey Hoy | Request group membership |
Midwest Food Innovation Network |
To enhance collaboration among Commercial Kitchens, Kitchen Incubators and Food Hubs in Northeast Ohio. Resource Providers - OSU Food Industries Center, OSUE Local Foods Signature Team, National Good Food Network Kitchens - Cleveland Culinary Launch Kitchen, Common Wealth Kitchen Incubator, Detroit Kitchen Connect (Food Lab Detroit), Local Roots Wooster Kitchen, Northwest Ohio Cooperative Kitchen (NOCK), Stanard Farm and Weinland Park Food District Knowledge Commons - USDA AMS Markets, USDA KYF2 Trello Boards - email for membership |
10 years 5 months | Brian Gwin Test | Request group membership |
NEO AgBio CARE Projects |
Background - Details Can be found on pages 30 and 31 of RFP
Despite prior investments in basic and applied research, critical problems continue to impede the efficient production and protection of agriculturally-important plants and animals. These problems may be local, regional, or national, and may call for work focused on one or more scientific disciplines. However, all need immediate attention to meet producer needs. Finding and implementing solutions to these critical problems require partnership and close coordination among researchers, extension experts, and producers. Funded projects will quickly yield solutions or practices that can be rapidly implemented by producers.
The CARE program area addresses the following priorities of the 2008 Farm Bill: A. Plant Health and Production and Plant Products; B. Animal Health and Production and Animal Products; C. Food Safety, Nutrition and Health; D. Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment; E. Agriculture, Systems and Technology; and F. Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities.
Develop and implement solutions to critical producer problems associated with animal and crop production, protection, or product quality. Emphasis will be placed on achieving results that can be applied by the producer as quickly as possible following project completion. Applications should include justification of why the issue is critical and how project outcomes will rapidly impact the stakeholder community. The project must include stakeholders.
To get started - Post a Public Message in inform the entire group of your idea, Start a Folder for background material and Create a To Do tasks to poll for collaborators or ask others to gather information from researchers or stakeholders. Please invite others to participate. While you can always start another collaborative group focused on your individual proposal, we encourage you to maintain activity in this group or at least share information back on a regular basis.
10 years 2 months | Brian Gwin | Request group membership |